Thursday, September 18, 2014

Work Smart .. Not Hard

Reading Mike Rowe's "Work Smart Not Hard", struck a particular cord in me.  When you think of the the title of the article,  it makes you think of many different things.. Like for instance, how often do you see people thinking they are working smart just so they don't have to work hard or trying to make a quick buck as easy as possible.

 Now, Mike Rowe is really looking at the quote based on those going to higher education and receiving their degree for more of a white collar job vs going out in the real world and getting experience in a trade working a hard job in the middle class.

What are my thoughts?  What is my personal experience?

I for one never went to college until this past May.  Why you ask?  One simple answer, if I want to move up in the company I work for I need a degree.  Is it important?  Maybe, circumstances in my life back then helped guide me to making the decision to go back to school.  Not necessarily for the advancement initially, but for something to keep me busy.  A way for me to forget the pain and sorrow.  Something to give me purpose.

However, if I look at my job , the amount of money i am paid, having never going to school for that coveted degree, than I have done good.  I can assure you, that i make more money that a lot of 2 income households these days and more money that alor of careers that required that 4 year degree.  Was it luck?  Maybe, I applied at a good time and was lucky enough to find a union job.  I was able to more than double my salary in less than four years.  I bust my butt, never taking my job for granted.  Working hard at the same time being smart, proving each day I deserve this job because of the hard work and work ethic I have.

Another example is my son, Cody.  He struggled in school, I could not wait til he graduated and the torture was over.  What a relief that day was!  He went out, got certified as a forklift operator, worked two years, 6 days a week, no benefits, pd holiday or sick time.  He busted his butt learning a trade in the warehouse industry. He gained experience and was finally able to get a union job, making more than $4 hour more than he was, with paid holidays, sick time and benefits.  He has a honest job, that requires being smart but also working hard.

I do believe we need people out there getting the 4 plus year degrees.  However, having it doesn't mean your gonna end up high on the salary scale.. where you can be working smart and not hard.  We also need those individuals who can go out and learn a trade and work hard.. without those jobs we wouldn't have things in stores or food on the table..Working hard can be working smart.

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